Thanks to the March of Dimes, nowadays we have stories like this one of Penny and Isaak, who were born around 25 weeks. I have followed their parents' wonderful blog since before they were born, but that will be a story for another day of Christmas. This is them a few days after birth:

And thanks to the miracles of medicine, funded by the March of Dimes among others, here are P&I now at nearly 7 months:

There's really not much I can add to that adorable picture other than, if you want to see more of these miracles, PLEASE go donate. Or consider signing up for a March for Babies near you. Even at my maximum current state of laziness, I can say I have done a March for Babies, and it was so worthwhile. (Plus I got a hot dog afterwards, but really, let's go back to the babies and ooh and aah some more!)
Yay MoD. I just spent all day yesterday with Jose and Sophia, twins born at 26 weeks. It's been a long road but the March of Dimes were with their wonderful parents the whole time. Thanks for highlighting such a great org.